Denver, CO

Cherry Tower

This cooling tower overhaul helped boost performance while coming in at only a fraction of the cost of a replacement.

Pipes on a cooling tower

Value Delivered

We provided cost-effective HVAC rejuvenation services for the cooling tower of this 16-story office building. Our work allowed Cherry Tower to put the unit back into full service.

The project is projected to have a payback of roughly 11 years, and the rejuvenation should extend the equipment’s useful life span for another 15 years. We estimated that this restoration cost nearly 80-percent less than a replacement. 

Client Objectives

The owner of the Cherry Tower office building did not have the capital budget to replace their existing well-used cooling tower. Further, they wanted to avoid steep fees associated with hiring a crane to reach the unit on their roof. Trane, their service provider, recommended that ECM refurbish the existing tower instead. 


Our team provided the following services:

  • Cleaned tower interior and exterior, including sandblasting 
  • Repaired holes
  • Made minor repairs, including replacing pans as required and fixing damaged sheet metal
  • Removed and replaced fill eliminators
  • Inspected distribution systems
  • Coated interior and exterior metal and structural steel
  • Greased shafts and inspected bearings

Client Background

Cherry Tower is a 16-story, first class office property, located on the edge of Cherry Creek, one of downtown Denver's premiere neighborhoods.