Steam Services

Industrial and commercial steam systemECM can retrofit or replace defective steam systems to help increase efficiency and minimize wasted steam. 

Steam System and Condensate Optimization 

Many industrial and commercial applications utilize steam as a medium to transport heat energy. Condensate discharge that is not being recycled into the steam loop and is being discharged into a sewer can be harvested and reused in other non-potable applications. Harvested condensate can be collected by consolidating condensate drains into a centralized location, pre-treated, and finally piped into a new process such as irrigation or a cooling tower makeup line, reducing utility costs and consumption. 

Steam Sterilizer Retrofits 

Steam sterilization is common throughout many medical and laboratory environments, to kill any microorganisms. We offer the following solutions to save energy and reduce costs:

  • Temperature Actuated Valve Retrofits
  • Full Sterilizer Reconditioning

Steam Trap and Valve Retrofits 

Retrofits or replacements of defective steam traps or steam traps that are sized incorrectly can lead to greater energy efficiency within a steam loop. 

Contact us to learn more about our steam solutions.