Cooling Tower Solutions

Worker checking notes by a cooling towerCooling towers can use significant amounts of water because they reject heat by evaporating a small portion of recirculated water into the atmosphere, and ECM can help customers conserve water through a number of measures. 

Since cooling tower water is exposed to the environment, the coolant water can become a breeding ground for bacteria and microorganisms. The coolant water can also become scale forming and damage plumbing and mechanical equipment. Water treatment for cooling towers is vital in preventing mechanical corrosion and damage, increasing cooling efficiency, and controlling biological growth.

Non-Chemical and High Efficiency Cooling Tower Treatment

Various non-chemical and on-site generation water treatment solutions provide increased cycles of concentration allowing for significant water savings, constant water chemistry monitoring, increased cooling tower performance and efficiency, and a reduction in chemical costs. 

These water treatment solutions can be developed and incorporated into a turnkey water treatment program to greatly reduce utility usage within a HVAC water treatment program and prevent large volumes of toxic chemicals from entering the environment.

Side Stream Filtration and Basin Sweeping

Facilities can reduce the cost of cooling associated with a water-cooled tower by using side stream filtration to eliminate fouling, which interferes with heat exchange and reduces energy efficiency. 

The benefits of side stream filtration can be enhanced through the addition of basin sweeping nozzles. These nozzles act to stir up debris settled in the tower basin, thus forcing it to interact with the filtration units.

Cooling Tower Sub-Metering – Sewer Utility Abatement

Roughly 80% of the water used in a cooling tower loop will evaporate during the evaporative cooling process. Because only 20% of the domestic water entering a cooling tower will drain into the sewer, many properties are overcharged for their sewer consumption. Installation of a sub-meter on a cooling tower system’s supply and return lines will allow the utility to bill accordingly and result in tremendous sewer savings.

Contact us to learn more about our cooling tower water solutions.