Smart Irrigation

outdoor irrigation system that is watering grassSmart Irrigation and Water Wells

Another measure that ECM deploys is irrigation management. 

Central-Controlled, Climate-based Smart Irrigation Systems 

Most automated irrigation systems develop watering schedules based on manual time-based irrigation controllers. These controllers require manual adjustments, cannot be controlled remotely, and develop watering schedules based on daily or weekly time schedules. Due to the fact they operate without consideration of weather conditions, these systems are prone to overwatering on days with favorable weather conditions. 

ECM installs centrally-controlled smart irrigation systems that receive or collect data daily to calculate the ET (Evapo-Transpiration) rates of the controller’s microclimate. ET calculations incorporate various climate parameters (wind, sunlight, temperature, and precipitation) to determine the base water demand of the irrigation system. This enables the system to create a water efficient daily irrigation schedule to water as conservatively as possible. Central controlled smart irrigation systems can be monitored and controlled remotely, saving significant amounts of water.

Groundwater Well Drilling 

The water and sewer cost associated with various non-potable domestic water applications can either be offset or eliminated by using ground water as a prime or secondary water source.  If the state permits well drilling, this measure can be applied to irrigation and cooling tower uses, and can also decrease water consumption. 

Contact ECM today to learn how we can help you conserve water.