Mukilteo, WA

Mukilteo School District

Weatherization and building envelope improvements across the district helped save $34,857 in energy costs per year.

Front entrance to a school

Value Delivered

ECM worked with an ESCO client to audit buildings in the Mukilteo School District and was then contracted to implement several building envelope improvements.

The measures will help generate annual energy savings of $34,857, and the simple payback for the project is projected at six and a half years.

Client Objectives

The district wanted to improve energy efficiency and save money by enhancing the thermal resistance of their building envelope. 


We identified air gaps in roofs, doors, windows, and walls for classrooms, libraries, auditoriums, gyms, and pools throughout the district. Then, our team installed the following:

  • Weather stripping
  • Door sweeps
  • Air sealing
  • Caulking
  • Foam insulation

Both one- and two-part foam was utilized, depending on the type of joint and its visibility. Mobilization, installation, and clean up was completed in eight weeks, and the project was warrantied.