Cache County, UT

Cache County School District

Pool system upgrades and automation will help increase safety and promote energy and water efficiency.

Large indoor swimming pool at a school

Value Delivered

As part of a performance contract with Johnson Controls, we provided a number of cutting-edge aquatic upgrades across Cache Country Schools that focused on how the pool water is treated, circulated, heated, and filtered.

The upgrades will help improve safety by limiting exposure to pool treatment chemicals, promote efficiency with automation, and conserve water by minimizing evaporation. The project has an expected simple payback of 7.7 years. 

Client Objectives

The client operated aging pool systems at two of their high schools that required the storage and handling of toxic pool water chemicals. The district wanted to improve energy efficiency while making the pools easier to operate and maintain. 


Our team provided turnkey engineering, installation, and commissioning for three aquatic systems: on-site chlorine generation, liquid pool covers, and smart pump control systems (SPCSs).

On-site production of chlorine will help alleviate risks associated with transporting, storing, and handling bulk chlorine, while also saving money on increasing chlorine prices. 

The liquid pool cover system adds a nearly undetectable liquid layer on top of pool that helps reduce evaporation and promote energy efficiency. 

And lastly, the SPCSs provide integrated control over filters, heaters, chemistry, and circulation pumps. With this system, the client can control the speed of the pump motor to help ensure they are achieving peak operating efficiency, minimizing equipment deterioration, and maintaining proper water turnover-rates. 

Client Background

Cache County School District is the 10th largest district in Utah, serving more than 15,000 students. We have also worked with JCI to provide weatherization and window films solutions for the district.