Milwaukee, WI

Confidential Biotech/Life Sciences Client

Sealing air gaps and adding weather stripping around doors afforded this customer significant energy savings, with a simple payback in 2.9 years.

Doorway into biotech lab

Value Delivered

We helped this confidential client reduce energy consumption and improve occupant comfort by sealing air gaps and providing additional insulation.

Our services helped generate the following:

  • 27,252 kilowatt hours saved per year
  • 22,895 therms saved per year
  • Simple payback of 2.9 years

Client Objectives

A history of significant building expansions over the past 50 years left this facility with many air leaks between connected structures and around exterior and overhead doors. The client wanted to achieve an airtight building envelope in order to decrease energy costs and improve occupant comfort.


ECM weather stripped leaky exterior doors (walkway and overhead doors) and sealed roof/wall connections. Air leakage control focused on closing gaps, cracks, and holes.

Material selection was based on the leak location and type of opening. We used the following sealants:

  • Fire retardants
  • One- and two-part polyurethane foams
  • Caulking
  • Weather stripping